Monday, March 17, 2014

Now that we are done showing....

A couple of weeks ago we attended our last show. Now that we are done showing for the 2013-2014 school year we have moved on to CDE's. CDE stands for Career Development Events. These are usually held in the spring after all of the stocks shows are over with. There are many different types of CDE's from a tractor team to habitat evaluation. Here is a list of all the different types of CDE's.

What is a CDE?  Career Development Events help FFA members develop the abilities to think critically, communicate, and perform effectively in the ever changing job market. There are 24 CDEs, covering everything from communications to mechanics. Some events you can compete as an individual and some you compete as a team.

What team will I be participating on? I will be participating on the livestock evaluation  team. This is were we will be judging livestock based off of the "ideal" animal. The competition consists of  eight evaluation classes of steers, heifers, breeding sheep, lambs, swine, wether goats, barrows, and gilts along with a 1 page essay on livestock production. Each team competes at the local and state levels for the privilege of representing their state at the National FFA Convention & Expo.

We will be going on some practice contests to get a feel of how they are run and what it will be like. Our FFA will be gone next Wednesday, and Friday. we will be going to Weatherford and Texas A and M. Hopefully we will learn a lot and do well in the practice events! If all goes well we will be moving on to state later on in the year.

 Livestock Judging. N.d. Buncombe County. Livestock Judging. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

 Livestock Judging. N.d. CEV. Web. 24 Mar.2014

 Livestock Judging. N.d. CEV. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.


   "Cde's." National FFA Organization. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

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